Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Too far?

One of the topics I really like discussing, especially with minds like Dale Hildebrandt’s, is how far is too far when it comes to magic.

Is it ethical to announce you have magical powers and have people believe you have magical powers?

Is it ethical to announce you do not have magical powers and have people believe you have magical powers?

Is it ethical to remain silent and to have people believe you have magical powers?

Is it OK to let people come to their own conclusions or is it our responsibility as a magical performer to take the spectator by the hand and lead them back to reality?

If a hand full of the public actually believes a magician actually has magical powers, does it make the magician better than the parlor showmen?

Some magicians have very strong feelings about this.

I don’t necessarily agree with someone telling me they can contact a lost relative and my relative can talk back to them, but then again, maybe they are being sincere and I’m being cynical.

I don’t necessarily agree with magical experts telling clients in order for a spell to work they must sacrifice a large sum of money, but then again, everyone needs to make a living.

Do magicians break their own code of secrecy, by saying magic is not real in the first place?

I personally feel, the one secret the “true” magicians are keeping, is that magic truly is real and they are very comfortable choosing not to let anyone know about it.

Always wishing the best,
Adam White


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