Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Don Driver's Pitch Video Review

A note before you read: Below is a review of Don Driver's Pitch video I posted July 28, 2006 on the magic cafe. I talk about what you can make and of course, there is no guarantee you will receive the same outcome that I did. Though, if you are willing to put in the work, you will reap the rewards.

I bought Don Driver's Pitch Video back when it was just on VHS. I liked the idea, but I didn't think it was for me. I'm a working professional and I like to know how much money I'm going to make before I show up for a gig. Any extra in back of the room sales is gravy.

On a whim, I decided I was going to work a fair. I found a weekend I wasn't booked. I went back through the information that Mr. Driver supplies, bought the minimum order from the suppliers he provides and worked on the pitch. I probably practiced for a week before the fair. I wanted to be prepared to cut down the nerves and so I could handle any interruptions that might happen in the middle of it. I bought a cheap easy-up from Wal-mart, packed a card table and bright red table cloth got in the jeep and headed out.

Now I'm not going to say this was easy money. It was hot, muggy and the air smelled of cattle, but it was a fair after all. I got a lot of walkouts and "blanks." The same people would come back and watch my little show and walkout again. I got tired of giving "free shows" really fast. Funny thing is in the end those "blanks" turned to "sticks" and I was "turning" the "tip" over and over.

I made about $1200. Not bad for my first time out. It's more than minimum wage and it sure beats digging ditches and it's not too shabby for a weekend I was probably going to spend clearing out my DVR.

I plan on doing the pitch at my next show that is open to the public right before intermission. Hey, repeat customers are always the easiest to close, right?

In the end, this info works if you are willing to put the minimal of work into it. I wish Don would charge more money for it though because he's giving you a wealth of knowledge honed and polished over decades of experience.

From a business stand point. I more than doubled my investment on my first time out. I can't guarantee you'll do the same, but it is well worth the shot. All you have to do is get off the couch and do it. Seriously, if I paid $500 for this video I still would have shown a profit.

Quick review of the video for you magic guys that have to know everything before purchasing:

What you don't get:
State-of-the-art title screens
Fancy fade in, fade outs and swipes
Annoying music
Worthless Filler

What you do get:
-Step by step instructions on how to do the pitch. I swear if you haven't even heard of a Svengali deck before, you will be a master of it after Don's easy to follow instructions.
-Word for Word scripting on the pitch.
-Suppliers for the goods
-How to make a "pitch joint" so you have a place to sell your goods.
-Impressive real world action of the man turning the tip. You're not stuck in a room full of fakey magic fans. He shows you what happens right on the street!
-Tips and hints on the pitch, gathering a crowd and more importantly getting the money
-Tips on how to get the gigs and where to do the pitch

Buy it, use it, get the money

Note to Don: I feel like you have been way too generous for giving so much information for such a little cost. The least I could do is give you a plug on the Café and on my blog. Please raise the price on this thing because you deserve franchise prices for the all the hints and tips you give on this video. I wish you a joyous and long life.

By the way, if you are interested in his material you can find it at.
Please note, I don't make anything if you buy a DVD from Don. And I don't get anything if you click on his link from this blog.

Always wishing the best,
Adam White

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