Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Showmanship for Magicians

A Chapter by Chapter Review and Discussion on Showmanship for Magicians by Dariel Fitzkee.

I started reading the book “Showmanship for Magicians” by Dariel Fitzkee and felt that more study should be taken place. I have decided to go back and reread the chapters one at a time and take notes and write down my thoughts and ideas on how the topics mentioned in the book fit into what is going on today. Though the book was written in the 1940's, I believe the observations and ideas are still useful for today's working magician.

This is truly an exercise of being thorough in my study of this book and the other two that follow it.

I’m writing this and sharing it with others, not only so they can possibly enjoy the opinions I have, not only become informed by the words of Fitzkee, but for the selfish reason of starting a discussion on the material itself and to learn from others.

Always wishing the best,
Adam White


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